Meet Ellipsis, My First Book

Of all the stories I’ve written, Ellipsis is the most beautiful. So beautiful I had to make it into a book and put it out there. I created a beautiful story that had the power to heal hearts and open them up again for all the beautiful possibilities that life has to offer! I wrote about love, destiny and death in the most beautiful way. The book Ellipsis is very personal for me. It’s another writer’s strip. I’ve brought you a sneak peak from the Preface however, just in case you’re still trying to decide whether to read it or not. Dear friends, you totally should! But go through this extract from the preface first.

“…Another thing I realized is that people die and we must move even from that; my greatest inspiration being the good people I’ve lost and how my dreams tell me they are happier where they are. We must let go of the dead and go on living. Once, I’d try to see if a person had died at the right time; if they’d accomplished everything they had to. But journeying through Ellipsis for those two years it took to finally put it together, I realized that I had always built skyscrapers while thinking about what people are alive for and what they should accomplish. I found that what some persons were put on the planet to do could just be to grow a flower or build a mud house, not necessarily a skyscraper. I realized that these destinies had been written way before we were conceived and cannot be thwarted. I lost three people who were dear to me while writing Ellipsis and some others whom I didn’t know personally and from what I had written, I seemed to be drawing strength to move on, to let go because whether they were born to grow a flower, build a mud house or a skyscraper, they were gone because they had accomplished that and the number of years they had lived didn’t matter. This knowledge was enough for me. It kept me going and I decided there were others who had to know this too. It is therefore my dearest hope that you find comfort, if not reason after reading this book.”

To continue reading Ellipsis, hit this link; Ellipsis by Mary Badmus or check it out on Bambooks;

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Published by cookie'sreadexpress

An open-hearted individual, beautiful inside out...on the whole, you'll love the character! Nitwit Blubber Oddment tweak, Welcome!

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